The Burning is a young adult fantasy novel written by Patrick Jean-Paul. Very familiar and inspired by the incredible class of young adult novels in the dystopian genre, it’s a way peculiar in its style of expressing the characters and holding the interest of the reader to the extent of finish-what-you -start disorder. The book covers much ultimate suspense that revolves around the detailed apocalyptic scenes which are just visualized at the back of the mind, the time you start turning the pages. Similar to any of the popular science fiction, The Burning has immense word power to mesmerize the reader with its most excellent story plot.For those who had relished the young adult science fiction dystopian genre books and movies, this book is going to act as a next level to look into a world of chaos, with mysterious and attractive new characters in the dystopian divisions with all the ultimate grace and a compelling story. Besides, those who have not beheld any of the favorite book or TV series of this genre, the Burning has all its charisma ready to make the reader enter the world of apocalyptic doom, to magnify the significant base that too with the deeply connected science fictions. The word presentation and structure is just like having the real characters surrounding even when the book is closed.
The overall story pattern and the plot of this book are made with a sharp eye on the interest and inclinations of young adults to make them connected with the theme as they proceed to read. The dystopian terraces, the apocalyptic backgrounds, and the growth of the fantasy at each paragraph is more than enough to demand its next series in advance. The Burning is undoubtedly the best creation by the author that reflects the level of perfection and the scope of entering the light of the words to the last possible corner of the plotline in a superior and sophisticated manner.
It’s like no other ordinary storybook to read out in the free time. Indeed, it’s much like a perfectly crafted masterpiece to give you the invisible goosebumps with its varied narration and flow. You will be able to uncover the surprises and the mysterious side of the characters described in much detail to boost the feeling of a show running in the depth of your eye. Unlike the standard fiction books, the frame included here is unbreakable, and the storyline is detailed out in a way to match the evidence dramatically to the real life to make you immerse more in the intensity of the personas. All in all, The Burning has all the splendid features that are required in a high- class novel to exhibit a sense of remarkability when there in your book shelve. It is something which a real book lover will flourish and can’t resist himself from purchasing the copy and recommending it further to the friends and family members.
Simply in one word- it is not to be missed.